Church of the Verdes2021-02-16Christian Patriots for AmericaFacilitator: Michael Northrup
Revelation 11
Church of the Verdes2020-02-11Revelation 11Facilitator: Michael Northrup
Ruth 4
Church of the Verdes2021-02-09Ruth 4Facilitator: Michael Northrup
Revelation 9 and 10
Church of the Verdes2020-02-04Revelation 9 and 10Facilitator: Michael Northrup
Ruth 4
Church of the Verdes2020-02-02Ruth 4Facilitator: Michael Northrup
Revelation 8
NOTE: There was a problem with the microphone. The teacher can be heard but there’s extraneous noise. Church of the Verdes2021-01-28Revelation 8Facilitator: Michael Northrup
Ruth 3
Church of the Verdes2021-01-26Ruth 3Facilitator: Michael Northrup
Revelation 7
Church of the Verdes2021-01-21Revelation 7Facilitator: Michael Northrup
Ruth 2
Church of the Verdes2021-01-19Ruth 2Facilitator: Michael Northrup
Revelation 6
Church of the Verdes2021-01-14Revelation 6Facilitator: Michael Northrup