Church of the Verdes2020-11-10Truth vs. DeceptionFacilitator: Michael Northrup
Election Special – Romans 8
Church of the Verdes2020-11-03Election Special – Romans 8Facilitator: Michael Northrup
Numbers 24 and 25
Church of the Verdes2020-10-29Numbers 24 and 25Facilitator: Michael Northrup
Romans 8:18–39
Church of the Verdes2020-10-27Romans 8:18–39Facilitator: Michael Northrup
Numbers 22 and 23
Church of the Verdes2020-10-22Numbers 22 and 23Facilitator: Michael Northrup
Romans 8:1–17
Church of the Verdes2020-10-20Romans 8:1–17Facilitator: Michael Northrup
Numbers 15:37–16:35 Korah Revisited
Church of the Verdes2020-10-15Numbers 15:37–16:35 Korah RevisitedFacilitator: Michael Northrup
Romans 1–7 Summary
Church of the Verdes2020-10-13Romans 1–7 SummaryFacilitator: Michael Northrup
Numbers – Introduction
Church of the Verdes2020-10-08Numbers – IntroductionFacilitator: Michael Northrup
Romans 1 – The Wrath of God
Church of the Verdes2020-10-06Romans 1 – The Wrath of GodFacilitator: Michael Northrup