Unseen by the human eye, visible only with the aid of a high-powered electron microscope, the corona virus has brought everyday life across much of the world to a halt. Here in the United States, the ‘unseen’ has struck fear
Romans 7
Church of the VerdesRomans 7March 10, 2020Facilitator: Michael Northrup
Numbers 15–16
Church of the VerdesMarch 5th, 2020Numbers 15–16Facilitator: Michael Northrup
Romans 6:12–23
Church of the VerdesMarch 3, 2020Romans 6:12–23Facilitator: Michael Northrup
Numbers 14:39–15:26
Church of the VerdesFebruary 27, 2020Numbers 14:39–15:26Facilitator: Michael Northrup
Numbers 14
Church of the VerdesFebruary 20, 2020Numbers 14Facilitator: Michael Northrup
Romans 6:1–12
Church of the VerdesFebruary 25, 2020Romans 6:1–12Facilitator: Michael Northrup
Romans 5
Church of the VerdesRomans 5February 18, 2020Facilitator: Michael Northrup
Numbers 11 and 12
Church of the VerdesNumbers 11 and 12Facilitator: Michael Northrup
Romans 4
Church of the VerdesRomans 4Facilitator: Michael Northrup