Church of the VerdesRomans 3:1–26Facilitator: Michael Northrup
Romans 2:1–29
Church of the VerdesRomans 2:1–29Facilitator: Michael Northrup
The Bible and the Brain
Church of the VerdesThe Bible and the BrainJanuary 23, 2020Michael Northrup Facilitator
Romans 1:8–32
Church of the VerdesRomans 1:8–32January 21, 2020Michael Northrup Facilitator
2 Timothy 4
Church of the Verdes2 Timothy 4January 16, 2020Michael Northrup Facilitator
Romans 1:1–7
Church of the VerdesRomans 1:1–7January 14, 2020Michael Northrup Facilitator
2 Timothy 3
Church of the Verdes2 Timothy 3January 9, 2020Michael Northrup Facilitator
2 Timothy 2:1–7
Church of the Verdes2 Timothy 2:1–7December 19, 2019Michael Northrup Facilitator
Covenants (Part 8)
Church of the VerdesCovenants Part VIII – ConclusionTuesday, December 17, 2019Michael Northrup Facilitator
2 Timothy 1
Church of the Verdes2 Timothy 1December 12, 2019Michael Northrup Facilitator